4 Simple Steps to Prioritize Your Life When Everything Feels Important

4 Simple Steps to Prioritize Your Life When Everything Feels Important

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links (at no extra cost to you). Please see my disclosure for more information. You know that feeling when your to-do list is a mile long, you’re overwhelmed by the state of your house, and your kids are…

Organize Your Life for Greater Productivity – 10 Tips & Tricks

Organize Your Life for Greater Productivity – 10 Tips & Tricks

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links (at no extra cost to you). Please see my disclosure for more information. When you’re trying to increase your productivity, organization is often something that you think you might need to do, but that keeps getting put…

Why Doesn’t Multitasking Work? – 7 Common Myths + 8 Things to Try Instead

Why Doesn’t Multitasking Work? – 7 Common Myths + 8 Things to Try Instead

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links (at no extra cost to you). Please see my disclosure for more information. Multitasking. It seems like a dream, right? Getting multiple things done at the same time. Efficiency. Productivity. The best possible way to manage your…

How to Write An Effective To-Do List to Help You Get Stuff Done

How to Write An Effective To-Do List to Help You Get Stuff Done

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links (at no extra cost to you). Please see my disclosure for more information. Being able to write an effective to-do list is an absolutely essential part of being productive and managing your time efficiently.  When you hold…

14 Valuable Time Management Ideas for Homeschool Moms

14 Valuable Time Management Ideas for Homeschool Moms

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links (at no extra cost to you). Please see my disclosure for more information. Homeschool moms everywhere face the same time management challenges – in a single 24-hour period, we’re expected to juggle school, housework, cooking, parenting, being…

How to Be Productive When You’re Not Motivated – 13 Simple Tips

How to Be Productive When You’re Not Motivated – 13 Simple Tips

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links (at no extra cost to you). Please see my disclosure for more information. This morning, I sat down at my desk with my coffee, opened up my computer, and attempted to write a blog post. I really…

Stop Wasting Time! – 11 Time-Wasting Habits and How to Fix Them

Stop Wasting Time! – 11 Time-Wasting Habits and How to Fix Them

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links (at no extra cost to you). Please see my disclosure for more information. I sometimes (*cough* daily *cough*) find myself sitting down to scroll Instagram for “5 minutes,” then, all of a sudden, 30 minutes have gone…

How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed – 6 Things You Need to Do RIGHT NOW

How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed – 6 Things You Need to Do RIGHT NOW

Being a mom is exhausting – the long hours, shuttling the kids around, prepping all of the meals… And that’s just the physical side of things! There’s also the constant mental energy being spent making sure they’re kept safe, not spending too much time on their tablets, eating enough healthy food, etc. It’s a lot. I…