Hi, I’m Karis…
… A wife, homeschool mom, chef, maid, nurse, entrepreneur, writer, and eternal optimist who is committed to helping you manage your time more efficiently and become the unhurried, well-rested person you’re meant to be.
To say that my house is “busy” is an understatement. I have a wonderfully supportive husband, four energetic and enthusiastic kids (two sets of boy / girl twins!), a ginormous great dane, and two sweet cats. I’ve been blessed to stay at home with my kiddos since they were born, but before that, I worked as an inventory control manager and inside salesperson for a steel company, which I loved, but I love raising my babes even more. My superpowers include making delicious, healthy food that no one eats (kidding – most of the time, at least two kids will eat what I cook) and keeping the laundry clean (but NOT put away).
I’m here because I want to empower you in all of your roles. I would like to help you with productivity and time management as they relate to being a happy and whole mom. I’ve always been curious about what makes some people genuinely happy, successful, and creatively fulfilled, while others struggle so much. (Full disclosure: I generally fall into the struggling category – this blog is here to help me, too!) I love sharing the victories and the failures that come with everyday life. I’m all about honesty – my life is far from perfect! I’m just like every other woman out there, trying to keep the crazy under control while raising my kiddos to be everything I know they can be. I especially love connecting with other moms, so if you read something you like, feel free to send me an email or leave a comment!
Just for fun, here are some quick facts about me:
- Michigan has been my home for most of my life, with the exception of 7-ish years, from ages 8 to 15, when I lived in Southern California.
- I’m a textbook Scorpio.
- Favorite music genre: Pop / top 40. It took me a lot of years to be able to admit that!
- I’m picky when it comes to fruit: It MUST be fresh and in-season. Strawberries are the best, but only in June / July 🙂
- I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology, Manufacturing Concentration. At one time, it was my dream to design vehicle exteriors.
- In high school and college, I was in a bunch of commercials for local businesses and for the local TV station – I’m famous!
- My primary love language is physical touch, secondary is quality time.
- When I go to bed at night, I’m truly excited for my coffee the following morning!
- My number one favorite place in the entire world is Marquette, MI.
- Thanks to the miracle of IVF, all four of my kids were technically conceived at the same time, even though they’re almost 3 years apart!